Formation et Conseil en finance de marché et finance d'entreprise
Qui sommes-nous?
Les Formations
Catalogue des formations 2024
Exemples de Missions
Mentions légales
Politique de Confidentialité
Training Catalog-2023
Training courses
Stochastic Models and Processes
Quant Interview Questions
Behavorial finance
Corporate finance
Mathematical Principles and Quantitative Finance
Processus et Modèles Stochastiques
Finance Comportementale
Questions d'entretien en Finance Quantitative
Pricing et Valorisation d'instruments financiers
Market Finance
Pricing and Valuing Financial Instruments
Pricing des Risques
Risk Pricing
Principes mathématiques et applications en finance
Functioning of derivatives
Fonctionnement de Produits dérivés
Machine Learning
Gestion d'actifs
The Layman’s Quant Lexicon
Qui sommes-nous?
Les Formations
Catalogue des formations 2024
Exemples de Missions
Mentions légales
Politique de Confidentialité
Training Catalog-2023
Training courses
Stochastic Models and Processes
Quant Interview Questions
Behavorial finance
Corporate finance
Mathematical Principles and Quantitative Finance
Processus et Modèles Stochastiques
Finance Comportementale
Questions d'entretien en Finance Quantitative
Pricing et Valorisation d'instruments financiers
Market Finance
Pricing and Valuing Financial Instruments
Pricing des Risques
Risk Pricing
Principes mathématiques et applications en finance
Functioning of derivatives
Fonctionnement de Produits dérivés
Machine Learning
Gestion d'actifs
The Layman’s Quant Lexicon
12/21/2024 - The Cauchy Problem and Its Applications to ODEs and SDEs in Simple Terms
12/20/2024 - The Kernel in Finance Simply Explained
12/20/2024 - Du noyau mathématique à son rôle en finance expliqué simplement
12/20/2024 - Transitioning from Discrete to Continuous in Finance Simply Explained
12/20/2024 - Le passage du discret au continu en termes simples
12/19/2024 - The Runge Phenomenon in Finance Simply Explained
12/19/2024 - Le phénomène de Runge en finance expliqué simplement
12/19/2024 - Understanding Norms and Their Applications in Quantitative Finance Simply Explained
12/19/2024 - La notion de norme en finance quantitative
12/19/2024 - The Role of the Dot Product in Finance Simply Explained
12/10/2024 - The Difference Between Correlation and Tail Dependence in Simple Terms
12/09/2024 - Spectral Analysis in Finance Simply Explained
12/07/2024 - The Confidence Interval in Simple Terms
12/07/2024 - L’erreur standard en termes simples
12/07/2024 - L’intervalle de confiance en termes simples
12/06/2024 - The Maths behind the Doob inequality in Simple Terms
12/06/2024 - The Doob inequality in Simple Terms
12/06/2024 - Essential Inequalities in Quantitative Finance Simply Explained
12/06/2024 - Why Convexity Matters in Finance Simply Explained
10/12/2024 - Maximum Likelihood Method and Liquidity Stress in Simple Terms
10/12/2024 - Méthode du maximum de vraisemblance et stress de liquidité en termes simples
10/06/2024 - "Pricer" un swap de taux vanille en termes simples
10/06/2024 - Pricing a Vanilla Swap (Receive Fixed / Pay Floating) in Simple Terms
10/04/2024 - Ito Calculus in Simple Terms
10/04/2024 - Le Calcul d’Itô en termes simples
10/03/2024 - Séries de Taylor et de Laurent en finance quantitative en termes simples
10/03/2024 - Applications of Laurent and Taylor Series in Finance in Simple Terms
10/02/2024 - Le rôle de la décomposition de Cholesky dans la tarification des CDO expliqué simplement
10/01/2024 - Comprendre la continuité uniforme en termes simples
10/01/2024 - Uniform Continuity in Simple Terms
10/01/2024 - Cauchy Theorem and Derivative Pricing in Simple Terms
10/01/2024 - La preuve d'Euclide : Pourquoi il y a une infinité de nombres premiers en termes simples.
10/01/2024 - Théorème de Cauchy et pricing des dérivés en termes simples
10/01/2024 - Les fonctions indicatrices en termes simples
09/30/2024 - Pricing d'options et transformée de Fourier en termes simples
09/30/2024 - Option Pricing and the Fourier Transform in Simple Terms
09/30/2024 - The Characteristic Function in Simple Terms
09/30/2024 - The Clayton Copula in Simple Terms
09/30/2024 - La copule de Clayton en termes simples
09/29/2024 - Comprendre la Trace de la Matrice de Covariance en Termes Simples
09/29/2024 - The Relationship Between Topology and Quantitative Finance in Simple Terms
09/29/2024 - The Trace of the Covariance Matrix in Simple Terms
09/29/2024 - La relation entre la topologie et la finance quantitative en termes simples
09/29/2024 - Euclid’s Proof: Why There Are Infinitely Many Prime Numbers in Simple Terms
09/27/2024 - The Theory of Optimal Transport and Quantitative Finance in Simple Terms
09/25/2024 - Progression arithmétique vs géométrique des rendements en termes simples
09/25/2024 - Arithmetic vs. Continuous Compounding in Simple Terms
09/23/2024 - Valoriser une swaption en termes simples
09/23/2024 - Swaption Valuation in Simple Terms
09/21/2024 - Sur et sous-performance en termes simples
09/21/2024 - Value Added in Portfolio Management simply explained
09/17/2024 - The Difference Between Pointwise Convergence and Uniform Convergence in Simple Terms
08/28/2024 - Skewness et Kurtosis en termes simples
08/28/2024 - Skewness and Kurtosis in Simple Terms
06/29/2024 - Base Correlation in Simple Terms
06/29/2024 - The Role of the Cholesky Decomposition in CDO Pricing in Simple Terms
06/29/2024 - La corrélation de base en termes simples
06/17/2024 - The Joint Probability of Default in Simple Terms
06/17/2024 - Le produit du processus de Wiener en termes simples
06/17/2024 - La probabilité conjointe de défaut en termes simples
06/10/2024 - Funding Value Adjustment (FVA) in Simple Terms
06/10/2024 - d1 expliqué en termes simples
06/10/2024 - La sous-additivité en termes simples
06/10/2024 - N(d2) expliqué en termes simples
06/10/2024 - Le temps d’arrêt en termes simples
06/10/2024 - Les fonctions K-Lipschitzienne en termes simples
06/10/2024 - La copule de Gumbel en termes simples
06/10/2024 - La FVA (funding value adjustment) en termes simples
06/10/2024 - La dérivée de Radon-Nikodym en termes simples
06/02/2024 - Total Return Swaps in Simple Terms
06/02/2024 - The Art of Avoiding Drawdowns in Trading: Survive, Learn, and Thrive…
06/02/2024 - L'art d'éviter les drawdowns en Trading : Survivre, Apprendre et Prospérer…
06/02/2024 - Le Total Return Swap en termes simples
05/11/2024 - The Support Vector Machine Algorithm in Simple Terms
05/11/2024 - Lipschitz Functions in Simple Terms
05/11/2024 - Double integrals in Finance in Simple Terms
05/11/2024 - L'algorithme des machines à vecteurs de support en termes simples
04/30/2024 - LASSO in Simple Terms
04/26/2024 - The joint F-Statistic in Simple Terms
04/19/2024 - Marginal Distributions and Joint Probability in Simple Terms
04/19/2024 - The Fast Fourier Transform (FTT) in Simple Terms
04/19/2024 - Le lien entre les distributions marginales et les distributions conjointes en termes simples
03/01/2024 - The Indicator Function simply explained
02/28/2024 - The Correlation in CDO tranches in Simple Terms
02/28/2024 - La corrélation entre les tranches de CDO en termes simples
02/21/2024 - The « Observer Effect » in Simple Terms
02/21/2024 - Le principe d'incertitude d'Heisenberg en termes simples
02/14/2024 - Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation in Simple Terms
02/14/2024 - Hétéroscédasticité et Autocorrélation en termes simples.
02/09/2024 - The Sklar's Theorem in Simple Terms
02/09/2024 - Le théorème de Sklar en termes simples
02/07/2024 - The Hypercube Concept in Copula Functions in Simple Terms
02/07/2024 - La relation entre concept d’hypercube et copules en termes simple
01/05/2024 - The Gumbel copula in Simple Terms
11/19/2023 - The Wiener Process in Simple Terms
11/19/2023 - The Tower property in Simple Terms
11/19/2023 - Conditional Expectation in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - Given the stock price process dS(t) = σ dW(t) with initial stock level S(0) and a barrier H such that H > S(0), what is the probability that the barrier is
11/14/2023 - Prove that Y(t) = W(t)^2 - t is a martingale using the Ito lemma
11/14/2023 - Prove that Y(t) = W(t)^2 - t is a martingale.
11/14/2023 - The Constant vs Stochastic Volatility Simply Explained
11/14/2023 - dt and dx2 in a Wiener Process in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - The Volga in Option Pricing in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - Choose the appropriate Compound Options
11/14/2023 - Testing your knowledge in stochastic calculus!
11/14/2023 - The Random Walk in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - The Longstaff-Schwartz Algorithm in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - Q3: Trading Strategy
11/14/2023 - Q2: Stochastic Calculus
11/14/2023 - The Ito's Lemma in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - Caplets in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - The Subadditivity Principle in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - N(d2) in Simple Terms
11/14/2023 - The Random Walk in Simple Terms
11/13/2023 - How to derive Δ for a Non-Dividend-Paying European Call Option in Simple Terms
11/13/2023 - Give an estimate for an at-the-money call option on a stock without dividends, with low interest rates and near-term expiration
11/13/2023 - The Probability Density Function (PDF) in Simple Terms
11/13/2023 - Bond Convexity in Simple Terms
11/13/2023 - La fonction de densité de probabilité (PDF) en termes simples
11/13/2023 - Discretization in Simple Terms
11/13/2023 - La convexité d'une obligation en termes simples
11/13/2023 - La discrétisation en termes simples
11/12/2023 - The Hull-White Model in Simple Terms
11/12/2023 - The Merton Model in Simple Terms
11/12/2023 - Le modèle de Merton en termes simples
11/12/2023 - Le modèle de Hull-White en termes simples
11/11/2023 - The Chebyshev's Inequality in Simple Terms
11/11/2023 - Option Valuation in High Credit Risk Scenarios in Simple Terms
11/11/2023 - L’évaluation des options en scénarios de risque de crédit élevé en termes simples
11/11/2023 - L'inégalité de Tchebychev en termes simples
11/10/2023 - Convertible Bond Pricing with a Jump-to-Default Model in Simple Terms
11/10/2023 - Le pricing des obligations convertibles avec un modèle "Jump-to-Default" en termes simples
11/09/2023 - The Semi-Positive Definite (SPD) Matrices in Simple Terms
11/09/2023 - The Radon-Nikodym derivative in Simple Terms
11/09/2023 - Eigenvector and Eigenvalue in Simple Terms
11/09/2023 - The Richardson extrapolation in Simple Terms
11/09/2023 - Vecteur propre et valeur propre en termes simple
11/06/2023 - The Chaos Theory simply explained
11/06/2023 - Fractals simply explained
11/05/2023 - The Put-Call Symmetry (PCS) simply explained
11/04/2023 - Mean square hedging process for an exotic option simply explained
11/03/2023 - Le modèle de Cheyette en termes simples
11/03/2023 - The Difference Between Correlation and Dependence structure in Simple Terms
11/03/2023 - The Cheyette Model in Simple Terms
11/01/2023 - The Crank-Nicolson Method Simply Explained
11/01/2023 - The Jacobi Method in Simple Terms
11/01/2023 - The Bjerksund-Stensland Model in Simple Terms
11/01/2023 - The Kalman Filter in Simple Terms
11/01/2023 - The Vasicek Model in Simple Terms
11/01/2023 - Le modèle de Vasicek en termes simples
10/30/2023 - Copule pour le trading de paires en termes simples
10/22/2023 - The Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) Model in Simple Terms
10/21/2023 - The SABR (Stochastic-Alpha-Beta-Rho) model simply explained
10/21/2023 - The Fractional Brownian motion in Simple Terms
10/21/2023 - The Probability Integral Transform (PIT) in Simple Terms
10/21/2023 - Determinism and Randomness in Simples Terms
10/12/2023 - The Poisson ProcessThe Richardson extrapolation in Simple Terms
10/10/2023 - The Fourier Transform in Simple Terms
10/09/2023 - The Multiplication Rules in Stochastic Calculus in Simple Terms
10/09/2023 - Les règles de multiplication en calcul stochastique en termes simples
10/07/2023 - The Term “Almost Surely” in Stochastic Calculus in Simple Terms
10/06/2023 - The Relation Between Brownian Motion and Quadratic Variation in Simple Terms
10/06/2023 - The Volatility Adjustment in Geometric Brownian Motion in Simple Terms
10/05/2023 - The Martingale in Simple Terms
10/04/2023 - Martingale, Markov, and Brownian Motion in Simple Terms
10/03/2023 - The Stopping Time in Simple Terms
10/03/2023 - The Ocone martingale in Simple Terms
10/03/2023 - The Log returns in Simple Terms
10/02/2023 - The Gaussian Process Regression in Simple Terms
10/02/2023 - The Difference Between Numerical and Analytical Methods in Simple Terms
10/01/2023 - Cointegration in Simple Terms
10/01/2023 - La cointégration en termes simples
09/30/2023 - Copula for Pair Trading in Simple Terms
09/24/2023 - The Role of Linear Algebra in Finance in Simple Terms
09/17/2023 - The p-Value in Simple Terms
09/17/2023 - Le principe de réflexion en termes simples
09/17/2023 - The reflection principle in Simple Terms
09/16/2023 - Entropy in Finance in Simple Terms
09/14/2023 - Why Cov(W_s, W_t) = min{s, t} in Simples Terms
09/12/2023 - The Difference Between Sigma Algebra and a Borel Measurable Function in Simple Terms
09/12/2023 - The Riemann and Lebesgue Integrals in Simple Terms
09/12/2023 - The Sigma-Algebra in Simple Terms
09/12/2023 - Les intégrales de Riemann et de Lebesgue en termes simples
09/11/2023 - The Fractional Differentiation in Simple Terms
09/11/2023 - La dérivation fractionnaire en termes simples
09/09/2023 - Interpolations Techniques in Simple Terms
09/08/2023 - Why Delta Is Not the Probability of an Option Expiring in the Money in Simple Terms
09/08/2023 - The Taylor Expansion in Simples Terms
09/08/2023 - Le développement de Taylor en termes simples
09/01/2023 - The Replicating Portfolio in Simple Terms
08/26/2023 - The intuition behind Numéraire and change of Numéraire
08/19/2023 - The Gamma Neutrality in Simple terms
08/19/2023 - Greek alphabet
08/19/2023 - Price Action Trading: Intuition or Quantitative?
08/05/2023 - The difference between a martingale vs a semi-martingale simply explained
07/29/2023 - The Quadratic Variation in Finance Simply Explained
07/29/2023 - La variation quadratique en finance expliquée simplement
07/22/2023 - Using differentiation to determine future stock prices simply explained
07/15/2023 - Hedging a Down-and-Out European Call Option Using Put-Call Symmetry (PCS) simply explained
07/08/2023 - The Black-Scholes partial differential equation simply explained
07/01/2023 - The Moment Generating Function (MGF) in Simple Terms
06/24/2023 - Integration applied to finance in Simple Terms
06/17/2023 - The Heat Equation and the Pricing of Exotic Options Simply Explained
06/10/2023 - The Risk Reversal and butterfly in FX markets in Simple Terms
06/10/2023 - Le risk reversal (RR) et le butterfly (BF) in FX markets en termes simples
06/03/2023 - L'inégalité de Jensen en termes simples
06/03/2023 - The Jensen's Inequality in Simple Terms
05/27/2023 - The Lévy Process in Simple Terms
05/20/2023 - The Roles of N(d1) and N(d2) in the Black-Scholes Model Simply Explained
05/13/2023 - Nonlinear optimization simply explained
05/06/2023 - The absorbing Markov chain simply explained
04/29/2023 - K-Means Clustering in Simple Terms
04/29/2023 - L'algorithme des k-means en termes simples
04/22/2023 - Supervised vs. Unsupervised Machine Learning in Finance simply explained
04/15/2023 - The difference between arithmetic Brownian motion and geometric Brownian motion in Simple Terms
04/08/2023 - The SDE (stochastic differential equation in Simple Terms
04/01/2023 - Reverse Convertibles in Simple Terms
04/01/2023 - Hedging a sold Knock-Out (KO) option with a Risk Reversal (RR) in layman’s terms…
04/01/2023 - Le reverse convertible en termes simples
03/25/2023 - The Determinant of a Matrix in Simple Terms
03/18/2023 - The Newton-Raphson Method in Simple Terms
03/18/2023 - The Finite Difference Method in Simple Terms
03/11/2023 - The Libor Market Model in Simple Terms
03/04/2023 - Maths in Motion: The Quant's Guide to Finance…
02/25/2023 - The Cholesky Decomposition in Simple Terms
02/25/2023 - A Holistic Approach to Mastering Quantitative Finance…
02/18/2023 - The d1 Term in Black-Scholes Formula in Simple Terms
02/18/2023 - Le terme d1 dans la formule de Black-Scholes en termes simples
02/11/2023 - How to Derive the Black-Scholes PDE in Simple Terms
02/11/2023 - Comment obtenir l’équation de Black-Scholes en termes simples
02/04/2023 - La variance du mouvement brownien en termes simples
02/04/2023 - The Variance of a Brownian Motion in Simple Terms
02/01/2023 - The Cubic Spline Interpolation in Simple Terms
06/15/2022 - Le biais d’aversion au risque
05/20/2022 - C’est quoi l’EBE?
05/14/2022 - Quelle différence entre une option d’achat et une option de vente?
05/03/2022 - L’intérêt du covered call
03/15/2022 - Le VIX ou indice de la peur
05/14/2021 - En quoi la détention d'une obligation de société ressemble-t-elle à la vente d'une option de vente ?
01/31/2019 - Comprendre le bilan
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