Join our intensive private equity training course to explore its intricate world, from raising capital to understanding its distinct characteristics compared to the stock market.
Learn about the ecosystem, including start-ups, venture capital, and the roles of LPs and GPs. Participants will analyze real case studies and learn to evaluate the success of venture capital
funds using performance indicators.
I- Definition, Characteristics, and the Private Equity Ecosystem
II- The Private Equity Ecosystem
III- The Private Equity Investment Process
3. The Post-Investment Phase:
- The multiples approach
- Conventional financial restatements
- Discounted cash flow approach: IRR and the selection of a discount rate
- Financial structuring
- Shareholder agreements and key clauses
4. Exit routes: Trade Sale, IPO, Secondary Sale
IV- Performance Measurement Indicators for Venture Capital Funds
- Clawback" clause
- Distribution patterns
- No fault divorce" clause
- Compensation Structures in a Venture Capital Fund:
- Carried interests
- Management fees
- Transaction fees
- Oversight fees
- Compensation adjustment mechanisms:
- Ratchets
- Hurdle rates