I. Definition, Disruption, and Contribution of Behavioral Finance
- Behavioral finance vs market efficiency theory
- Definition and characteristics of cognitive biases
- Definition and characteristics of emotional biases
- Definition and characteristics of social biases
Practical Case :
Identifying the nature of a biases based on a given scenario.
II. Behavioral Finance and Market Behavior
- Market anomalies
- Momentum, anchoring bias, availability bias, disposition bias
- Bubbles: overconfidence bias, regret aversion bias, hindsight bias, self-serving bias, representativeness bias
- Crashes: anchoring bias, disposition bias, representativeness bias
- Value vs Growth: the "value" anomaly, halo effect
III. Behavioral Finance and Investor Behavior
- Biases affecting the decision-making of individual investors
- Biases affecting the decision-making of institutional investors
- Approaches to mitigate or correct these biases for both individual and institutional investors
Practical Case :
Identification and analysis of biases and proposal of solutions based on a given situation.
IV. Impact of Behavioral Finance in the Client vs Advisor Relationship
- Understanding client objectives, identifying client objectives, identifying risk tolerance based on the client's behavioral biases
- Following a systematic management approach
- Accounting for changes in the client's situation and risk tolerance
Identifying specific biases in a proposed scenario.
V. How Behavioral Biases Affect Portfolio Construction
- Naive diversification
- Familiarity bias
- Representation bias
- Status-quo bias
- Home bias
Identifying specific biases in a proposed scenario.
VI. How Behavioral Biases Affect Financial Analysts' Forecasts
- Overconfidence, illusion of knowledge, hindsight bias, representativeness bias, availability bias, self-serving bias
- Corrective actions
Practical Case:
Identification and analysis of biases and proposal of solutions based on a given situation.
VII. How Behavioral Biases affect Financial Statements Analysis
- Anchoring and adjustment bias
- Representation bias
- Availability bias
- Self-serving bias
- Corrective actions
Practical Case:
Identification and analysis of biases and proposal of solutions based on a given situation.
VIII. Behavioral Finance and Governance
- Biases affecting the decisions of the investment committee: characteristics specific to a committee as a group, social proof bias
- Corrective actions: diversifying the group based on social and cultural origins, skills, impartiality and objectivity of the committee head, promoting free speech, having one of the committee
members play the "devil's advocate" role
Practical Case :
Identification and analysis of biases and proposal of solutions based on a given situation.