ARTICLES AVEC LE TAG : "Risk Modeling"

Risk Pricing · 10. juin 2024
The Funding Valuation Adjustment (FVA) reflects the funding cost of uncollateralized derivatives above the risk-free rate, typically €STR or OIS in Europe. When a bank hedges an uncollateralized swap with a collateralized market swap, the difference between the internal funding cost and the benchmark rate results in either a negative or positive FVA. This adjustment directly affects the overall cost of hedging transactions.
The Hypercube Concept in Copula Functions in Simple Terms
Explore the hypercube's critical role in CDO risk modeling within quantitative finance. A hypercube extends a 2D square or 3D cube into an N-dimensional space, each axis representing a financial asset's cumulative distribution in copula functions. It's pivotal for visualizing complex dependencies in a CDO, where each axis indicates the default probability of different assets.