ARTICLES AVEC LE TAG : "Option Pricing"

Option Pricing and the Fourier Transform in Simple Terms
Option pricing, a key financial market challenge, relies on the Fourier transform to address complexities in valuation. An option grants the right to buy or sell an asset at a strike price, K, by expiration, T. The current price depends on the expected payoff, e.g., for a European call: max(S_T - K, 0). This is challenging as future asset prices follow complex stochastic processes. The Fourier transform simplifies this by converting payoff calculations from time to frequency domain.
L'approche "Jump-to-Default" avec une EDS modélise la dynamique des prix des actions en intégrant les risques de défaut. Cruciale pour le trading d'options, elle explique pourquoi les options call deep in-the-money présentent une volatilité plus basse en contexte de risque de crédit élevé, par rapport au modèle Black-Scholes.

Why Delta Is Not the Probability of an Option Expiring in the Money in Simple Terms
Stochastic Models and Processes · 08. septembre 2023
Unpack the myth that option Delta equals the probability of expiring in-the-money. Dive into risk-neutral valuation and the Black-Scholes model, where assets grow at a risk-free rate, making Delta an unreliable real-world probability indicator. Explore the distinction for smarter option trading. #OptionTrading #BlackScholes #RiskNeutralValuation